This is the Standard Retube Kit for the Marshall 30th Anniversary 100 watt 6100 series amps, this includes the 6100 and 6101. The preamp section uses seven ECC83S's with one balanced for the phase inverter in V7. The default power tubes are the JJ Electronic E34L’s but you can configure this kit to use the JJ EL34II's, EL34’s, KT77’s, Big Bottle 6CA7’s, 6L6GC's or the JJ 5881's by clicking on the "Customize" button.
These are all adjustable bias amps and all you need to check and adjust the bias is a bias probe and a Multimeter, or our all-in-one Eurotubes "Pro One" bias probe that reads both the plate current and the plate voltage simultaneously. You can find all these under the Related Products Tab.
You can use the "Generic Bias Video" we made using a Marshall 800 for reference. We've had a lot of experience with both the LE and LM versions, Marshall does recommend using 1K Screen grid resistors and a bias resistor swap to run EL34 type tubes but since the LM 5881 amp uses hefty 5 watt 470 ohm screen grid resistors we have had no issues running EL34 type tubes including the JJ E34L's, KT77's 6CA7's and EL34's. As long as warmer grades are used biasing has not been an issue. The video below explains the difference between bias probe types.