JJ Electronic ECC83MG - 12AX7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC83MG Our observations: Another 12AX7 variant from JJ. The ECC83 MG is a “Mid Gain” 12AX7 type tube. It utilizes a medium length ribbed plate design that is much like the old Amperex and Brimar European designs. It retains all of the definition and detail that the ECC83S short plate and the ECC803S long plate tubes have but it has slightly less gain than the ECC83S but a bit more gain than the ECC803S. Sonically it’s nice and thick sounding with a good edge that’s not brittle. It has plenty of definition even when used in an amp with lots of gain and the microphonics are very low. The ECC83 MG is a little more polite than the ECC83S which is pretty aggressive. The ECC83 MG has a fair amount of harmonic density but remains very open sounding whether played clean or overdriven. All in all it’s a really nice sounding tube.
JJ Electronic ECC83MG - 12AX7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC83MG Our observations: Another 12AX7 variant from JJ. The ECC83 MG is a “Mid Gain” 12AX7 type tube. It utilizes a medium length ribbed plate design that is much like the old Amperex and Brimar European designs. It retains all of the definition and detail that the ECC83S short plate and the ECC803S long plate tubes have but it has slightly less gain than the ECC83S but a bit more gain than the ECC803S. Sonically it’s nice and thick sounding with a good edge that’s not brittle. It has plenty of definition even when used in an amp with lots of gain and the microphonics are very low. The ECC83 MG is a little more polite than the ECC83S which is pretty aggressive. The ECC83 MG has a fair amount of harmonic density but remains very open sounding whether played clean or overdriven. All in all it’s a really nice sounding tube.
JJ Electronic ECC83MG - 12AX7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC83MG Our observations: Another 12AX7 variant from JJ. The ECC83 MG is a “Mid Gain” 12AX7 type tube. It utilizes a medium length ribbed plate design that is much like the old Amperex and Brimar European designs. It retains all of the definition and detail that the ECC83S short plate and the ECC803S long plate tubes have but it has slightly less gain than the ECC83S but a bit more gain than the ECC803S. Sonically it’s nice and thick sounding with a good edge that’s not brittle. It has plenty of definition even when used in an amp with lots of gain and the microphonics are very low. The ECC83 MG is a little more polite than the ECC83S which is pretty aggressive. The ECC83 MG has a fair amount of harmonic density but remains very open sounding whether played clean or overdriven. All in all it’s a really nice sounding tube.
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Preamp Tube Descriptions.
JJ Electronic ECC803 S - 12AX7 Factory description: Classic long plate European design with special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise. Factory Data Sheet: ECC803S Our observations: A very long plate 12AX7 offering from JJ and once again it's a beautiful sounding tube. It's the longest plate 12AX7 type tube ever made. It has the same deep, tight low end that the ECC83S has but the mids in the ECC803S are even thicker and more harmonically complex than the ECC83S. The ECC803S is also a little hotter in the high end than the ECC83S. These are however not as high in gain as the JJ ECC83S. The ECC803S's are about 10% lower in gain. This is a great tube for V1 positions or for use in all positions in vintage amps. We do not recommend them for use in the gain stages of high gain amps if you like to run your gain maxed out. All preamp tubes are microphonic it's just a matter of where the threshold is and longer plate tubes will squeal before a short plate tube will, so for real high gain amps we would stay with the ECC83S or better yet the graded high gain ECC83S's that we hand pick for high gain amps. We also do not recommend these in small combo amps where the tubes are in close proximity to the speaker. If you do want to do this then run one of our “EuroDamaper rings” on them.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC803S Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC803S Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC803 S Gold Pin - 12AX7 Our observations: A Gold Pin version of the ECC803S Long plate tube. When we spoke with Jamona at the January 2006 NAMM show we discussed the Gold Pin line and he stated that he did not want to simply gold plate the pins, he wanted to make the tube better. Well, he did. The best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin tubes are a little smoother and richer sounding. With their fat, thick tone these make great V1 tubes if smooth and rich is your desire. I don't think these will be a big hit with most Metal players who are looking for a gritty edge but they make a great Rock and Blues tube! Once again we don't use the long plates in combo amps where the tubes are located ground zero to the speakers. f you do want to do this then run one of our “EuroDamaper rings” on them.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC83S
JJ Electronic ECC83S - 12AX7 Factory description: Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise. Factory Data Sheet: ECC83S Our observations:  The ECC83S is great tube with a tight low end, a very  natural and harmonically complex mid with VERY good definition and a sweet high end that is not brittle. These tubes have very low microphonics and are great in the gain stages of high gain amps like Marshall's, Mesa's and Peavey’s to name a few. The best part is that you can buy a new tube that sounds this good for one tenth the price of an NOS Telefunken.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC83S Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC83S Gold Pin - 12AX7 Our observations: This is a Gold Pin version of the ECC83S tube. When we spoke with Jamona at the January 2006 NAMM show we discussed the Gold Pin line and as we stated above about the ECC803S he simply wanted to make the tube better. Once again, the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin ECC83S is a little smoother and richer sounding. These make great V1 tubes in any amp if you're after a smoother and richer tone and I have quite a few customers running them in all positions which is a bit expensive but if you want the best of the best in smooth rich tone these will do it.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC83MG
JJ Electronic ECC83MG - 12AX7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC83MG Our observations: Another 12AX7 variant from JJ. The ECC83 MG is a “Mid Gain” 12AX7 type tube. It utilizes a medium length ribbed plate design that is much like the old Amperex and Brimar European designs. It retains all of the definition and detail that the ECC83S short plate and the ECC803S long plate tubes have but it has slightly less gain than the ECC83S but a bit more gain than the ECC803S. Sonically it’s nice and thick sounding with a good edge that’s not brittle. It has plenty of definition even when used in an amp with lots of gain and the microphonics are very low. The ECC83 MG is a little more polite than the ECC83S which is pretty aggressive. The ECC83 MG has a fair amount of harmonic density but remains very open sounding whether played clean or overdriven. All in all it’s a really nice sounding tube.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic 5751
JJ Electronic 5751 Factory Data Sheet: 5751 Our observations: Another short plate preamp tube from JJ which was released to us in January of 2012. The JJ 5751 has all of the qualities we have come to expect from JJ Electronic, a nice tight low end, a natural open mid, a great harmonic structure and a sweet high end that is not brittle. This is a great tube for V1 if you're trying to drop the gain a little and improve headroom. You can also use a balanced version of this tube as a phase inverter to further increase headroom in amps that incorporate a long tail phase inverter circuit and usually use a 12AX7 or ECC83.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic 5751 Gold Pin
JJ Electronic 5751 Gold Pin Our observations: A Gold Pin version of the JJ 5751! Once again, the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin 5751 is a little smoother and richer sounding than the non-Gold Pin 5751. These make great V1 tubes in any amp if you're after a smoother and richer tone with a little lower gain.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC81
JJ Electronic ECC81 - 12AT7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC81 Factory description: Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise. Our observation: A great 12AT7! This tube has all the qualities of the JJ 12AX7’s. It’s very smooth in Hi-Fi and guitar amps. This tube will take the "Doink" out of your reverb too.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC81 Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC81 Gold Pin - 12AT7 Our observations: Another great short plate tube from JJ which is a Gold Pin version of the ECC81 tube.  This is a premium version of the ECC81 and the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin ECC81 is smoother and richer sounding. If you want the best of the best in smooth rich tone these will do it.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC82
JJ Electronic ECC82-12AU7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC82  Factory description: Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise. Our observation: Once again a world class tube. Wonderful in Hi-Fi and guitar amps. Very smooth and detailed with a great open sound.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC82 Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC82 Gold Pin - 12AU7 Our observations: A Gold Pin version of the ECC82 tube.  This is a premium version of the ECC82 and again the best way to describe the difference is that the Gold pin ECC82 is smoother and richer sounding.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC802S Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC802S Gold Pin - 12AU7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC802S Our observations: Another 12AU7 variant from JJ which is a Long plate Gold Pin version of the ECC82 tube.  The difference again is that the Gold pin tubes are a little smoother and richer sounding and the long plates have a fat, thick tone in the low mids.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC832
JJ Electronic ECC832-12DW7 Factory Data Sheet: ECC832   Factory description: Special grid plated by gold to reduce microphone interaction and noise. Our observation: A great new production high quality 12DW7! Very nice in the old Hi-Fi gear and great in vintage Ampeg SVT’s. With NOS 12DW7’s getting more expensive by the day it’s very nice to see new production 12DW7’s of this quality. We also use this tube for gain reduction in certain positions of Fender, Mesa, Peavey and other amps that use cascaded gain circuits.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC823
JJ Electronic ECC823 Factory description: Reverse wired version of the ECC832 / 12DW7. Our observation: A lot of you have asked for this tube in the past so we decided to get a run of these made. The ECC823 is wired opposite of the ECC832. In the ECC823 the first half of the tube (pins 1, 2 and 3) are the ECC83 and the second half (pins 6, 7 and 8) are the ECC82. So the ECC823 can be used in amps like the Mesa DC series in V1 to keep the clean channel stock and drop the gain down in the drive channel. Check your schematics or check with us before you order!!
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic EF806
JJ Electronic EF806S Factory Data Sheet: EF806S    Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any EF86. Our observation: A very nice alternative to the russian EF86 tubes and sounds more like the old European EF86's. Not quite as bright as an Amperex, but slightly brighter than an NOS Mullard.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic EF806 Gold Pin
JJ Electronic EF806 Gold Pin   Factory description: Premium gold Pin version of the JJ EF806. Our observation: If smooth tone is what you desire in an EF86 type tube then the Gold Pin JJ EF806 is the tube. The same great performance you get with the standard JJ EF806 with less grit and a smoother breakup.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic E88CC
JJ Electronic E88CC-6922 - 6DJ8 Factory Data Sheet: E88CC   Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any 6DJ8, 6922 or ECC88. Our observation: An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with incredible detail.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic E88CC Gold Pin
JJ Electronic E88CC Gold Pin - 6922 - 6DJ8   Our observation: Simply the best of the best when it comes to 6922 tubes. This is the premium Gold Pin version of the JJ E88CC. The Gold Pin E88CC is a very rich and smooth sounding tube for any audio application. These are quickly becoming a favorite with our Presonus ADL customers.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC99
JJ Electronic ECC99 Factory Data Sheet: ECC99  Ever since this unique double triode from JJ was introduced back in the late 1990's it has become the tube of choice for use as a driver for power triodes like the 300B and 2A3 and in the output stage of headphone amps, preamps, CD players and small class A triode amps. It can be used in place of 5687, E182CC, 6840, 6BL7 and in some cases like vintage Ampeg SVT’s the ECC99 can be used in place of 12BH7A’s. This tube is used in the JJ high end Hi-Fi amps.
Eurotubes - JJ Electronic ECC99 Gold Pin
JJ Electronic ECC99 Gold Pin A premium Gold Pin version of the very popular JJ ECC99. Very smooth and rich, so if you want the best of the best this is it. Can be used in place of 5687, E182CC, 6840 and 6BL7 tubes.
JJ Electronic ECC83MG Gold Pin - 12AX7 Our observations: This is a Gold Pin version of the ECC83S tube. Again, the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin ECC83MG is a little smoother and richer sounding. These make great V1 tubes in any amp if you're after a smoother and richer tone and I have quite a few customers running them in all positions which is a bit expensive but if you want the best of the best in smooth rich tone these will do it.
JJ Electronic ECC832 Gold Pin - 12DW7 Our observations: This is a Gold Pin version of the ECC832 tube. Again, the best way to describe the difference is to say that the Gold pin ECC832 is a little smoother and richer sounding. These make great V1 tubes in any amp if you're after a smoother and richer tone and I have quite a few customers running them in all positions which is a bit expensive but if you want the best of the best in smooth rich tone these will do it.
JJ Electronic 12BH7-A A great new production 12BH7 type tube. Very warm and detailed. Factory Data Sheet: 12BH7-A   Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any 12BH7 type tube.  Our observation: An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Guitar amp or Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with great detail.
JJ Electronic 12BH7-A Gold Pin A premium Gold Pin version of the JJ 12BH7-A. Very smooth and rich, so if you want the best of the best this is it. Can be used in place of any 12BH7 or 12BA7A.
JJ Electronic 6SN7 A great new production 6SN7 type tube. Very warm and detailed. Factory Data Sheet: 6SN7   Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any 6SN7 or 5692 type tube.  Our observation: An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Guitar amp or Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with great detail. This tube is extremely quiet with very low microphonics!
JJ Electronic 12AY7 A great new production 12AY7 type tube. Great detail, with a rich warm tone. Factory Data Sheet: 12AY7   Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any 12AY7 or 6072 type tube.  Our observation: An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Guitar amp or Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with great detail.
JJ Electronic 12AY7 Gold Pin A premium Gold Pin version of the JJ 12AY7. Very smooth and rich, so if you want the best of the best this is it. Can be used in place of any 12AY7 or 6072.
JJ Electronic 6SL7 A great new production 6SL7 type tube. Very musical and detailed. Factory Data Sheet: 6SN7   Factory description: A replacement of the highest quality for any 6SL7 or 5691 type tube.  Our observation: An absolutely wonderful sounding tube for Guitar amp or Hi-Fi. It has a very smooth mid and high end with great detail. This tube is extremely quiet with very low microphonics!
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