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Configure: Laney TT100 Custom Retube Kit

Laney TT100 High Gain Option
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Laney TT100 Custom Retube Kit
Laney TT100 Custom Retube Kit
Custom Kit
Want it your way? The "Custom Kit" is just that, you get to choose your power tubes from the "Power-Tubes" category and all your preamp tubes! We'll give you all the tube types that we know work. Then you can choose your V1 tube and all your other preamp tubes! We give you all the positions and you fill them!. We left the quantity fields open so that spares or multiple tubes could be ordered to experiment with.
Custom Kit
Any of the power tubes below are compatible with your amp. Please see the "More Details" info for a detailed description of the tonal differences.
E34L Matched Quad  - 
EL34II Matched Quad  - 
6CA7 Matched Quad  - 
KT77 Matched Quad  - 
EL34 Matched Quad  - 
V1 is the main input tube for both channels and shapes the entire tone stack. Any of these tubes will sound very good, but here is your chance to really dial in your tone. We left the "Quantity Field" active for those of you who may want a couple different V1 tubes to experiment with. Click on the "More details" button for descriptions.
ECC83S Standard  - 
ECC83S High Gain  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin  - 
ECC803S Standard  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin  - 
ECC83 MG Standard  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin  - 
5751 Standard  - 
5751 Gold Pin  - 
ECC81 (12AT7) Standard  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin  - 
V2 is the first gain stage for channel 2. Here you can decrease, maintain or increase the gain, or you can smooth it out with a Gold Pin tube. We left the "Quantity Field" active for those of you who may want a couple different tubes to experiment with. Click on the "More details" button for descriptions.
ECC83S Standard  - 
ECC83S High Gain  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin  - 
ECC803S Standard  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin  - 
ECC83 MG Standard  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin  - 
5751 Standard  - 
5751 Gold Pin  - 
ECC81 (12AT7) Standard  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin  - 
V3 is the second gain stage for channel 2. Here you can decrease, maintain or increase the gain, or you can smooth it out with a Gold Pin tube. We left the "Quantity Field" active for those of you who may want a couple different tubes to experiment with. Click on the "More details" button for descriptions.
ECC83S Standard  - 
ECC83S High Gain  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin  - 
ECC803S Standard  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin  - 
ECC83 MG Standard  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin  - 
5751 Standard  - 
5751 Gold Pin  - 
ECC81 (12AT7) Standard  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin  - 
V4 is the first gain stage for channel 3. Here you can decrease, maintain or increase the gain, or you can smooth it out with a Gold Pin tube. We left the "Quantity Field" active for those of you who may want a couple different tubes to experiment with. Click on the "More details" button for descriptions.
ECC83S High Gain  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin  - 
ECC803S Standard  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin  - 
ECC83 MG Standard  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin  - 
5751 Standard  - 
5751 Gold Pin  - 
ECC83S Standard  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin  - 
V5 is the second gain stage for channel 3. Here you can decrease, maintain or increase the gain, or you can smooth it out with a Gold Pin tube. We left the "Quantity Field" active for those of you who may want a couple different tubes to experiment with. Click on the "More details" button for descriptions.
ECC83S Standard  - 
ECC83S High Gain  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin  - 
ECC803S Standard  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin  - 
ECC83 MG Standard  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin  - 
5751 Standard  - 
5751 Gold Pin  - 
ECC81 (12AT7) Standard  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin  - 
V6 is the Phase Inverter tube, we always use a balanced tube in this position. The tubes listed will all work well depending on what you want.
ECC83S Balanced  - 
ECC83S High Gain Balanced  - 
ECC83S Gold Pin Balanced  - 
ECC803S Balanced  - 
ECC803S Gold Pin Balanced  - 
ECC83 MG Balanced  - 
ECC83 MG Gold Pin with Balanced Triodes  - 
5751 Balanced  - 
5751 Gold Pin Balanced  - 
ECC81 Balanced  - 
ECC81 Gold Pin Balanced  - 
Bias Probes and Multimeters
These are adjustable bias amps and all you need to check and adjust the bias is a bias probe and a Multimeter, or our all-in-one Eurotubes "Pro One" bias probe that reads both the plate current and the plate voltage simultaneously.
Eurotubes “Pro One” Bias Probe for octal power tubes  - 
Eurotubes Octal Bias Probe  - 
These are made in-house from USA made real 10 Gauge oxygen free copper cable and high quality heavy duty 1/4" jacks. These cables leave no frequency unheard!
Eurotubes 10 Gauge 3 foot Speaker Cable  - 
Eurotubes 10 Gauge 6 foot Speaker Cable  - 

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