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JJ Electronic 322 Hifi Amp. The list price for the JJ 322 is $9990.00, our price to you is $8500.00
The price shown is one half down to get your amp on order.
Price: $4,250.00
JJ 322
JJ 322
Product Details

An amp that breaks down barriers and defies the classic notion of what a 300B equipped amp is capable of. The JJ 322 utilizes a pair of 300B's per channel running in a true class A parallel output topology. Utilizing a zero global feedback design and custom wound double C-core output transformers, JJ is able to achieve a tremendous 20 watts of Class A power per channel. To hear a proper 20 watts per channel from a Class A filamentary triode driven amp is truly stunning. JJ rounds out the platform with an ECC83S, E88CC and EM84 seeing eye tube (level indicator) per channel. What brings the JJ 322 to the next level is the custom built-in-house C-core output transformers. Heavily interleaved, vacuum potted and designed form the ground up to deliver every ounce of 300B goodness.

The JJ 322 is an award winning well-traveled rig. Having been in production since 1999 it's earned a reputation as being extremely reliable and consistent.

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***Deposit info: At this time all HIFI amps are sold on a custom order basis. The price shown in your cart is the deposit. Once we receive your deposit we will contact you to confirm the lead time and your choice of finishes.  

Lead Time: Average 4-8 weeks.

Shipping: These amps are big and weigh about 100 Lbs! We typically ship them by FedEx 3 day service however we will contact you so can choose how you would like it shipped.

Topology: Class A parallel single ended dual mono-bloc
Output: 20W per channel
Bandwidth: 18Hz-25KHz (-1db down)
Channel Separation: 72db @1KHz 
*Zero Global Feedback*
Noise: 1mV max
Input Sensitivity: 350mV for max output
Input Impedance: 50KOhm
Load Impedance: 4 or 8 Ohm (dedicated)
Output Transformer: Custom Double C-Core
Tube Compliment: 4x300B, 2xECC83S, 2xE88CC, 2xEM84
Weight: 93lbs

General: This is our reference setup here at Eurotubes. The JJ 322 has several features which make it an extremely good value with tons of versatility. First off the amp works incredibly well with a wide range of sources, pre amps, and speakers. This makes it an excellent test bed for rotating gear. The amp has a very high input sensitivity. With an input sensitivity of 350mV (50KOhm input impedance) for maximum output, a separate pre amp is not necessary for most digital sources. 

Pre-Amp: Although the JJ 322 is a dedicated stereo power amp, it does have a master volume control for both channels (hi-spec Alps control) and high input sensitivity. With most digital sources a pre amp is not necessary although the matching JJ 243 is a stellar addition. With phono setups typically you need a dedicated pre with a minimum 60db+ available gain for low output MC carts. With this setup 40-50db of gain is sufficient for most listeners.

Speaker choice: Generating a true 20 watts per channel you're no longer relegated to high efficiency speakers for rock n' roll volume levels. Any transducer over 90db efficiency is enough to drive most listeners out of a 600 square foot space... The speakers we use for HIFI shows are the Klipsch RF7's. These do an astonishingly good job and they come in at a price that's accessible for most enthusiasts.

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