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Peavey 5150 & 6505 Combo Standard Retube Kit
Price: $160.00
Peavey 5150 & 6505 Combo Standard Retube Kit
Product Details
This is the Standard Retube Kit for the Peavey 5150 and 6505 Combo Amps. The preamp section uses five ECC83S's with one balanced for the phase inverter in V5. The default power tubes are a matched pair of the JJ 6L6GC’s but you can configure this kit to use the JJ 5881’s by clicking on the "Customize" button! 
The Balanced ECC83S is located in V5 farthest from the input jack.

A note about "V" numbers. Some wise guy at Peavey decided to randomly label the preamp tubes, so the V numbers that are listed on the schematic starting from the first position which is closest to the input jack starts with V1, then V2, V5, V3 and V4. The small minority of players who venture into reading the schematics have discovered this and ask why? Good question... They also ask why we refer to the tubes as V1 thru V5 starting with the preamp tube closest to the input jack or the edge of the amp.

The Answer? It's MUCH easier and less time consuming to explain this to a very small number of players than to explain to hundreds if not thousands of players that you count 1, 2, 5, 3 and 4... So we refer to the V numbers as V1 thru V5! 

The bias on the 5150, 6505 and 6505+ Combo amps is fixed but at a much warmer level than the 5150 / 6505 Heads. The power tubes included with these kits are a moderate grade which actually gets the bias very close to optimum. 

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